Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam serves Sampradaya Bhoajanam

Newswand: With a noble objective of promoting usage of desi cow products, organic and natural farming in preparation of food items, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam has implemented the scheme “Sampradaya Bhojanam” from August 26 in Tirumala.

A trial-run of it was commenced at Annamaiah Bhavan in Tirumala on August 26. It may be mentioned here that the TTD Board has resolved to prepare the Naivedyam of Sri Venkateswara Swamy with the ingredients cultivated out of Desi Cow Panchagavya products. The Prasadams prepared out of the rice, jaggery, cereals, ghee etc. produced through natural farming turned out to be delicious and received a huge response from the pilgrims as well.

On the similar lines, TTD wanted to extend the same facility even on Annaprasadam that is being served to devotees during breakfast, meals and dinner times. This trial-run will be held for eight days, up to September 2. 

According to Vijayram, the natural farming expert from Vikarabad who has been working hard to bring awareness among the farming fraternity on the benefits of natural farming using Desi cow products said  ”The intention is to bring back hey days for our Desi cows and natural farming techniques which used to have flourished across India some centuries ago.

 “After many decades of waiting, we are very happy that a world-renowned religious organization like TTD has come forward to encourage mission. We are confident that this will bring a revolution in the natural farming area with Desi Cow products”, he said.

Food expert Rambabu who is popularly known as “Millet Rambabu” said that the “Sampradaya Bhojanam” will definitely yield fruitful results like physical and mental fitness. Terming it as ‘Amrita Bhojanam ” the food expert said, in breakfast on the first day Idlis and Upma made out of healthy rice viz. Kullakar and Kalabath were prepared and served to pilgrims. “For lunch, our Chef Gopi, who is an expert in millet delicacies preparation, has prepared 14 delicacies including Purnalu, Coconut Rice, Pulihora etc. This is what our ancestors gave to us. But we got used to the western food habits. But with the blessings of Sri Venkateswara, the golden old days are back and this is the beginning of the practice of healthy way of living,” he asserted.


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